Internal Family Systems (IFS)
IFS (Internal Family Systems) is sometimes called “Parts Work” or “Parts Therapy”. The IFS model helps clients go inward and get to know and understand the many different ‘Parts’ of themselves and the roles they each play in navigating relationships and other life challenges. Parts get triggered when one encounters situations that the nervous system perceives as a threat. Parts are developed as ways to protect and prevent the repetition of past traumas. The goal is to unburden the ‘Exiled’ Parts that carry emotional wounds from the past such as shame and blame for what happened. Once Exiled Parts are ‘Unburdened’, one feels liberated and better able to make choices and life decisions from Self, hence being Self Led and no longer being led by triggered Parts.
Watch Full IFS Video Here.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) uses bilateral stimulation to activate the Right Brain and Left Brain simultaneously to reprocess disturbing material in a way that brings closure and acceptance in one’s relationship to past trauma. The Left Brain employs logic such as math and practical problem solving. The Right Brain is the emotional creative and intuitive side of one’s personality makeup. Traumatic events are sometimes trapped in one or the other which prevents healthy processing and resolution immediately after a disturbing experience. Bilateral stimulation can be done in many ways. My preferred methods are a combination of specially designed music for this purpose using headphones that provides bilateral sound as well as hand pulsators that vibrate and light up bilaterally.
Watch Full EMDR Video Here.
Click here for EMDR music by Del Hungerford.
Brainspotting is a therapy that helps people heal from trauma and emotional pain by focusing on where they look. A therapist guides the person’s eyes to find a “brainspot,” a point in their vision that triggers strong feelings or sensations. By focusing on this spot, the brain can process and release the stored trauma or emotions. It’s based on the idea that the brain has a natural ability to heal when it accesses these deep emotional areas. Though still being researched, Brainspotting is used to treat issues like anxiety, PTSD, and stress.